Agent Experience is an essential piece in the customer experience journey.

There is very little room for error when it comes to customer experience.


In 2021, as is the case with every year, consumers will care even more about the customer experience than they did earlier when deciding which companies to support or buy from. 


Any friction in the customer journey will mean loss of business and potential gain for your competitors.


How do you go about consistently ensuring great customer experiences? 

It is an arduous task, but you have technology and tools to help you make the customer experience a genuinely seamless one for organizations and customers.


The most critical aspect of any customer experience journey is your agent, and putting them in the middle of your customer journey would greatly help your customers and business. 


Agent Experience – What should I look at? 

What is that one thing that an agent is expected to provide when it comes to agent experience? 


An agent is expected to resolve customer queries and challenges in the shortest possible time to their satisfaction. How do you make this available? 


It would help if you equipped them with all the tools that would allow them to provide resolutions in the shortest possible times for your customers. 


Some of the key things to keep in mind include: 


  1. Do you provide an omnichannel experience, with agent access to all your customers’ interactions with your brand? 
  2. Do you have all of your enterprise applications integrated to allow the agent to pull information together that will enable them to offer resolution in the shortest possible time? 
  3. Do you have intelligence built into your systems that allow the agent to access information based on customer preferences and needs? 
  4. Do you have frequently asked questions and their responses documented so that the agent can access them easily? 
  5. Do you have systems in place to allow your agents to access the right talent by the click of a button to help resolve customer queries? 
  6. Have you defined the performance metrics of your agents that are aligned with customer outcomes? People often look at call hold times, and resolution times without giving weightage to the customer’s challenge or issue. 
  7. Is your agent training in alignment with your customer experience vision? 
  8. Do your agents have the means to provide feedback to the customer service and product management functions on ways and means to enhance to customer experience journey? 

As an organization looking towards providing delightful customer experiences, you should invest in these eight areas to make your agents successful and make your customers happier. 


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